This has me concerned: a leaked Pentagon report warns that climate change may bring famine and war, offering some of the following examples: English winters in 20 years that rival those currently suffered by Siberians; heavy storms within the next five years could make parts of the Netherlands uninhabitable (not that I care about the Netherlands) and destroy the California aqueduct system; massive shifts in population from areas wiped out by rising sea levels or made unfarmable by drought; and catastrophic shortages of potable water that could lead to widespread war by 2020.
We should have been warned sooner.
On the other hand, the last thing I needed last month was to have President Bush warn me that we were all going to die from an asteroid impact. I'm glad it turned out to be a false alarm.
Have you ever stopped to think about what such a warning would really do for us? Would religion become all-important, or completely irrelevant? If it looked like we were all about to be destroyed in an instant, that would severely damage my faith in God. I would conclude that God did not exist or was disinterested in our existence. Either concept is a major downer.
If we thought an asteroid was about to destroy the planet, as we know it, I think society would fall apart overnight. Who would provide goods and services? Not me. I'd be busy with other things. One thing is for sure. I would wish I had been more of a guns and ammo freak. One glock and a few hundred slugs wouldn't give me nearly enough protection.
The Interesting Choice of Words award should go to the author of this AP quote last week:
"At the prodding of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's attorney general asked the state's top court Friday to bar San Francisco from issuing same-sex marriage licenses...."
I would think that a man-prodding bodybuilder would favor gay marriage, but he doesn't. Neither do I. And Jesse Jackson, John Kerry and John Edwards all agree with me. Would someone please check to see if Hell has frozen over?
It's not just a religious thing; there are a lot of arguably immoral things that should not be banned under secular law. And I don't want to stir up this kind of hornet's nest; I just think gay marriage is bad public policy.
If equal protection justifies gay marriage, it should also justify polygamy, especially for those who claim a religious basis for same. And I don't support that either. The claim that it justifies incest, however, is not as strong. Under a heightened scrutiny test, the biological issues raised by incest would be enough to support a ban. In fact, for those same reasons (and I know I'm not very progressive on this point, either) I also think ugly people should not be allowed to marry.
Speaking of whom, Rosie O'Donnell got married this week. Rosie argues that anybody who opposes gay marriage is mean, vicious and hateful. I don't think that opposing gay marriage is the same as hating gay people. Not at all. It is a reasonable value to hold. Not everyone shares such values, but give me a break, someone who disagrees with something that has been rejected by every society in recorded history is not spreading hate. Embracing a concept -- one man, one woman -- that is older than any society in existence today, is neither stunning, nor mean nor hateful.
Mean would be calling her "Rosie O'Fat" (her Rome show "gloss") and reminding her that she is ugly, unpleasant to everyone around her and hated by most of her staff. Her girlfriend, or wife, or whatever, who probably loves her for her money, could do much better. If she was straight, O'Fat couldn't get laid unless she plied a horny stranger with drugs or alcohol. And her comedy is unfunny.
That would be mean. And I don't want to be mean.
A few years ago, when rumors started spreading about NFL player Esera Tuaolo being gay, his former teammate, Craig Sauer, told him: "You know I disagree with it and I believe God forbids it, but I love you like a brother. If you can handle me not agreeing with your lifestyle, then we can be friends."
That's about how I feel about the subject. Some will accept that. Some won't. So be it.
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