I saw one of the worst letters to the editor I've ever seen yesterday in the Orange County Register. Maybe it was meant as a satire, but I suspect that it was not. The piece was entitled:
The most serious issue facing us today is the "F" word ["Kerry's foul mouth," Letters, July 1; "Cheney the bully," Letters, June 30]? Both Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry were caught using it in front of a newsman.
When my child was young, he used to play with the neighbor kid down the street. We didn't let them play together after we heard the neighbor kid use the "F" word. We didn't want our child to pick up such language.
Is the "F" word the reason that France, Germany and other countries didn't send troops to Iraq, because of our leaders' potty mouths and the countries' not wanting their troops to pick it up?
Maxx C. Harris
Fountain Valley
If this was satire, kudos to Maxx. He pointed out the absurdity of people who make way too much out of "shocking" language like the F word that people learn as preschoolers and carry with them into adulthood.
But some people really do think this way, and something tells me that Mr. Harris really does think the F word is our biggest problem. If so, perhaps he should start worrying about something a little more fucking important.
Dude. That is so fucking right on.
Posted by: Retro Girl | July 05, 2004 at 15:44