1. Someday Cumbre Vieja volcano is going to erupt. When it does, it is going to drop a chunk of land into the ocean that is going to send a 300 foot wall of water onto the Eastern seaboard. Slip that in just below Nuclear Winter and Giant Asteroid Strikes the Earth, on your list of doomsday events to fear in the middle of the night.
2. Sometime in the next 600,000 years, Yellowstone is going to erupt in the most violent volcanic explosion ever known to man. Theoretically, it could happen within a few weeks, but some experts opine that it won't happen until 100,000 to 600,000 years from now. For now, you can safely enjoy the geysers after finding out how they work.
3. From Mike Garrett, to OJ Simpson, to Ricky Bell, to Anthony Davis, to Charles White, to Marcus Allen to Reggie Bush, USC has the richest tradition in college football if you are a fan of the running back.
4. Al Qaeda is hoping to screw up the November elections.
5. Some people have faces that betray their lies. Other liars get away with stuff.
6. Skydiving, rockclimbing, gangbanging and pissing off OJ Simpson get all the attention. But some of the most dangerous things we face include unsanitary desks, hot dishwasher interiors with broken glass, holy water parasites and hard, heavy top-shelf decorations are much more likely to kill you.
7. Even with a low-carb diet lime slice, Corona Light is the worst beer known to man.
8. Getting rich is not just a matter of luck. There are methods to becoming rich.
9. We are only three weeks away from the big 6.4 Southern California quake. If the prediction turns out to be a dud (and it was made by a UCLA man, so take it with a grain of salt), here's a new potential method for spotting the next great temblor.
10. At least 278 people don't know how to spell correlating. That is fewer, though, than the number of people who use "supposably" as a word.