I have little respect for your average protester.
Take these idiots protesting unemployment. Real unemployed people do not have the money to go to New York and march in protests while carrying $5 cups of coffee.
And they aren't even on the right side of the issue. Unemployment figures aren't really that bad right now. If everyone with a job votes for Bush, and all the shitcanned people vote for Kerry, it will be the single most lopsided victory in the history of American politics. In general, if you don't have a job, it's because you have no skills or ambition, or you just lost your job and you haven't finished interviewing yet.
But at least they had a message that was political. Vulgar crap like this next photo should be left to the dregs, the blogs and the flamer newsgroups.
Thanks, Reid. I was spending quality time with the family. No internet for 10 days.
Posted by: lex icon | September 02, 2004 at 20:50
Your postings have been missed the past days... Your Blog is one of my favorites.
Posted by: Reid | September 02, 2004 at 11:30