Trying to find fun stuff to do is easier than ever, both in cyberspace and in the real world. I'm planning a weekend trip to Chicago to see the USC - Notre Dame game in two months, and I'm trying to figure out what to do Saturday night and Sunday. So far, it looks like Navy Pier is the place to be on Saturday night. For Sunday, we're still trying to decide. I've considered and ruled out the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows, which, when it debuted in 2000, was the first museum in the United States dedicated solely to stained glass windows. Imagine that. And to think that my hometown still doesn't have a museum dedicated solely to stained glass windows. We are so bass-ackwards.
Anyhow, here's another list of stuff I've seen online in the past week or so.
First, some interesting blogs to read:
Fugly notes a certain poignancy in this shot of Charo and Pam Anderson.
Faithgambler shares the 10 reasons he doesn't pray, when he doesn't pray.
Blogspot still hasn't taken down the Fifth Nail yet, and its last entry is up to 1209 comments.
Ken Lammers on the things female judges can say that a male judge never could.
You can take quizzes or tests:
Whose fish is it?
Car stories: fact or fiction?
Are you gay?
Girl, what should they have named you?
You can watch amazing or amusing videos:
The trailer for Grizzly Man, that dude who got eaten by bears.
His mom's crazier than your mom. But she's not crazier than this one dude's mom I know.
It's a bank, so the vault contents must be yummy, right?
I have no idea who thought it would be a good idea to videotape this, but the result is undoubtedly not the last thing you want to see before going to bed for the night.
You can play games:
Don't get caught ogling.
Kick some tail in Dad n Me.
A new way for curling to suck: Brown Cow Curling.
Find the four leaf clovers, all seven, in 360 seconds. I only found 6.
You can see or do strange or interesting stuff:
Fun with trebuckets.
Google allegedly says, in response to "Paris Hilton Isn't a Whore", Did you mean "Paris Hilton Is a Whore?
Some spot in Africa shown on Google Maps looks like Jesus, or a papoose, or some sand.
If Superman has a pussy, it would look like this. (SFW)
You can learn something new:
There are dozens of Star Wars stories. And they are all listed here.
Twenty things you didn't know your PC could do. (I knew 5, 9 and 20 already.)
Planting too many trees can help create a desert where none existed before.
The ten best places in the world to see wildlife. No. 8: The United States.
You can buy strange or wonderful things:
For that suffering Bruin fan in the family: newspaper front pages featuring USC football.
I want one of these for the uninal at work.
Buy your Harry Potter spoiler t-shirt now before everyone gets to page 596.
Replacement parts for your broken piece of crap pda.
You can wonder what these idiots were thinking:
After 11 wives and 77 children consumed his assets, man concludes that polygamy is no fun.
With some bonsais and a few Hot Wheels, you can be the god of your own little crash-happy world.
If bumps on the forehead were hot, then I was a hot little dude every few little league games.
I wasn't huffing gold paint, officers, I just have a naturally sparkly face and congenitally slurred speech.
You can check out a place far, far away via web cam:
Here's the aforementioned Navy Pier.
Here's where we'd rather be right now: Maui.
Harold's burger stand in the Swiss Alps.
McKinley Park, Alaska.
You can check out some weird news photos:
Joseph Duncan's teenage mug shot.
A Martian ice-skating rink.
That kid who jumped from the upper deck at Yankee Stadium.
It's not The Great Pumpkin, but it's a pretty great pumpkin.
Glowing neon fish. Yum.
What a Mexican border jumper looks after three weeks in the desert.
Check out this monkey. I'll bet George Bush couldn't do it this well.
A textbook example of how and why to box out on rebounds.
Finally, you can read a good bullshit story:
The caramel solution for baldness.
John Gotti, Jr. regrets his choice to engage in certain unspecified conduct.
Gitmo inmate to appear in Letterman Stupid Human Tricks skit.
American high schools not adequately preparing dropouts for unemployment.
It all sounds like bullshit, but if someone took the time to write it down, it has to be true, right?