Another list of stuff I've seen in the past week or so.
First, some interesting blogs to read:
Check out Chokey Chicken, which is done, before it goes down.
I think Matt Leinart blog is done, too.
For today, a good Arizona State football blog.
The thrills and agonies of rooting for tOSU can be read here in Bill's optimistically named Road to the Roses blog.
You can take quizzes or tests:
Will your wish come true?
Forget type A and type B. Are you a Type D?
How gay are you (again)? I'm 13% queer.
What is your blog IQ?
You can watch amazing or amusing videos:
It's awkward when the nearly naked hottie asks for you to help her.
The two biggest dorks ever: Bill Gates and Napoleon Dynamite.
Goblet of Fire, the movie trailer.
The new Depeche Mode video: Precious.
You can play games:
Ball bounce.
The Flying Spaghetti Monsterism game.
Do a little Monkey Diving.
Escape the Maze.
You can see or do strange or interesting stuff:
Worth 1000's photoshop competition.
People pointing at stuff.
Check out the zoomquilt.
We're sure glad NASA shares its best photos on line.
You can learn something new:
How to sponsor a rubber duck for a good cause.
How to prove there is a God.
How to make junk mail pimps pay for wasting your time.
Is the Sports Illustrated cover jinx still alive? Mmmmaybe.
You can buy strange or wonderful things:
Practically anything for a buck in less than a minute.
For good vision.
Who would want to wear a Randy Moss mask? Other than bank robbers, of course.
A piece on a grid to help this one dude make a million bucks,
You can wonder what these idiots were thinking:
Extreme shaving photos. Hot or not?
When you are famous, and you pee yourself, why lift your legs in the air to show us?
First, Mr. Chopp named his kid Dick. Then, years later, Dick Chopp became a urologist. Who was the bigger idiot?
On the one hand, if you rented anal sex toys, you get to keep them, due to health concerns over fecal-borne diseases. On the other hand, if you rented anal sex toys, you are a person who rents anal sex toys.
You can check out a place far, far away via web cam:
Mill Avenue, in Tempe, near the ASU campus.
The Pacific Princess, currently in Australia.
Flagstaff, Arizona.
King's Hall at Aberystwyth in Wales.
You can check out some weird news photos:
Global drying exposes a medieval bridge concealed for centuries by a reservoir.
The Santa Ana wilds feed some pretty big flames.
When I'm the president, I don't plan to ask permission to use the potty.
Oktoberfest always seems to bring out the pretty girls.
Finally, you can read a good bullshit story:
PETA commandos kill 49 to rescue rabbit.
Researchers discover that women who drink heavily are more fun to study than those who don't.
A cloud of planet-dissolving dust is headed for Earth, but relax, we won't all disintigrate until 2014.
Ben Affleck is running for U.S. Senate, possibly.
I sure hope those are all bullshit, especially the last two, just like I hoped those rape and pillaging stories from New Orleans were bullshit. (And they were.)