There is an intersection in my office parking lot that is more dangerous than any stretch of freeway within ten miles of my house. I almost got T-boned there the day after I bought my new car.
I miss the power of my 540i. I do not, however, miss that sensation of panic every time I hear a strange sound while driving. My new car is not going to shut down in the middle of the freeway. Excellent.
I've discovered that I am less stressed if I listen to classical music on the way to work, as opposed to talk radio that pisses me off whilst going over subjects like putting Arab nations in charge of our U.S. port security.
I watched a judge today sanction literally half of the lawyers on her extensive calendar, often for trivial offenses, such as filing a case management statement 14 days before the conference, rather than 15 days before the conference. I would not be surprised if she earned $5,000 for the county in one hour.
I saw a guy in a nice suit riding a bicycle today. I had never really thought about it before, but I do not trust guys in suits who ride bicycles unless I am in Asia.
I have a lot of work to do right now, and I really do not want to do any of it. I've planned my next four vacations already, because all I want to do right now is take a vacation. My last vacation day was the Monday after the USC - Notre Dame football game. I watched a TiVoed broadcast of the Top Ten Natural Wonders of the American West last week. I am going to try to see the top three this Spring and Summer.
If you had a week to spend in London and Paris, where would you spend the most time? And which would you hit first? I'm leaning toward three days in Paris, followed by four days in London. Two of those days will be spent at Disneyland. My brother thinks I'm crazy. He might be right, but staying at Disneyland Paris has nothing to do with it.
Actually, you can eat really well in London. (Yes, you can get food that sucks, but you can food that sucks anywhere.)
What do you like to do when you travel? History? Art? Shopping? People-watching?
If it were me, I'd probably do three in London and four in Paris, but that's only because I've spent a lot of time in London (lived there briefly) and less in Paris. Both are great.
I'd skip Euro Disney, though.
Posted by: Vidiot | February 23, 2006 at 18:02
London, man. It's a no-brainer. Get some inspiration from Winston Churchill in these troubled times. Just don't eat the food. It sucks.
Posted by: Cranky Greg | February 23, 2006 at 09:00