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    May 09, 2006


    Eric Jonkey

    What was not mentioned in this review was the fact that I was injured 10 feet from the scaffold and the owner of the block company stated on the stand that"he would fire any employee that dropped a plank more than 4 feet from the scaffold" The defendant stated that he was handing down the planks to another worker at the bottom of the scaffold. That worker must be very tall since the plank was 16 feet long and was dropped from 28 feet. The contractor representative lied when he said that he was in the job shack and did not see the accident but actually he was standing next to me and the site inspector refused to testify because he was in the job shack and did not see the accident. The general contractor never contacted CAL OSHA. Probably because OSHA would have fined them for not having proper warning present. If planks are lowered properly they couldn't land straight up and down 10 feet from the scaffold. Walking through a mine field would you be looking up, or down on the ground since the site was a mess of concrete and rebar trash?

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