Here is the news story about how a kid supposedly got "attacked" by Tigger at Disney World.
With all due respect to the normal moms and dads everywhere, big deal. The kid was taken to the hospital? Why? Did he break his ankle on the way out? Because that tiny tap was nothing. God help this little puss if he ever gets in a fight at school; and if his school is anything like mine was, the attention is a sure bang guarantee that he's going to get his ass beat up twice a week until the other kids get bored with it. “Disney’s supposed to be a safe place,” said the father. True, but it's suposed to be safe for the hardworking kids in that stuffy costume who are entitled to earn a living without some cock-smiley brat pulling on the back of their suits.
Or, for a sharper point of view, check this:
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be on the inevitable jury....