Most Harry Potter fans wait two years for the next story. I'm going on a pace of about a story every five days. Last week, I saw the film version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This weekend, I've been reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This week, I'll read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I'm too old to skip. Watching Luna Lovegood in the latest Harry Potter movie made me want to try it again, however. When no one is looking, of course.
I love looking at the stars, probably because I can do it so infrequently. From the greater Los Angeles area, where I live, we're lucky if we can see Venus and the Big Dipper.
I saw a big rig with a sign that said "Say NO to Cheap Freight." Why would I say that? (If you have a serious answer, don't bother to tell me; I don't really care.)
Funniest place in California: Poopenaut Valley, on the way to Hetch Hetchy Valley, er, reservoir. One Yosemite guidebook said: "If you like to have the river all to yourself, this is the hike." Then it babbled on about how steep the trail is, blah, blah, blah. I avoided hiking that valley so I wouldn't get constipated.
The list of people who were relieved that Barry Bonds didn't hit three home runs this weekend in Milwaukee is probably as long and distinguished as Slider's johnson.
California Business & Professions Code § 19704 declares: "The board shall issue a license for owners, trainers, jockeys, and other participants in mule racing. The license shall be limited to mule races only." So if you want to race a mule, you need to have your mule racing license, and it can only be used as a mule racing license. No donkey shows, e.g. You are so warned. Unless you're a fair. California Business & Professions Code § 19701 says that "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a mule racing meeting or mule races may be conducted by any fair." I hope the Orange County Fair has mule races. Suddenly, I want to go to one, especially an unlicensed one.
Vanilla ice cream is made from milk and vanilla beans. How can that not be good for you?
Why are there so few good skinny female comedians? By asking this question, I by no means intend to imply that Rosie O'Donnell isn't complete crap as a comedian. Hopefully, she won't sue me or draw mustaches on my face if she ever reads this blog.
Lawyers don't sue people. People sue people. Tort reform is a scam. The tort tax is largely a myth. When a person is ruined by a faulty product, who should pay? The taxpayers, or the corporation that caused the injury? Don't waste your breath telling me how much of a scourge frivolous lawsuits are on American business. Nobody gets rich by bringing frivolous lawsuits. Those who have tried have failed miserably. Remember the Trevor Law Group? Broke and disbarred. Their clients? Didn't make a dime.
I sometimes like to bet on USC to win the Rose Bowl, the national championship and the Heisman Trophy. This year, the odds make USC a bad bet. Even for Heisman, JD Booty is only 4-1.
I stumbled upon a website called, It wasn't what I thought it was.