We got this ad for Sushi Boy, and it had a coupon for something like thirty percent off, so my brother and I went there for lunch today. We went as far as the door, but never went in.
At peak lunch hour, the place had four customers. A dead slow sushi place never seems to have good sushi. Dead slow sushi places usually end up giving you sushi squirts. I don't much care for those. The plates didn't look so great, either. The sushi looked warm. Maybe it wasn't, but it just didn't look fresh when we peeked throught the glass.
Oh, and the place was run by Mexicans. I don't have anything against Mexicans. I just don't want non-Japanese making my sushi. Racist? Maybe. I don't care. That's one area where racism serves me well. Show me ten sushi places run by non-Japanese chefs, and I'll show you at least nine sushi places you won't want to visit twice.
Anyhow, after about ten seconds of thinking about it, we took off down the road to Sumo, the all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. That's where I piled up this outstanding plate of raw fish products. It was delicious.