At 7:47 pm, the skies were mostly clear and we were watching a really good sunset take shape. We were less than a half hour from sunset under the pier, and we were just over an hour away from fireworks from the barge.
By 7:49 pm, fog had rolled in and you couldn't hardly see your neighbors three doors down.
Which was just as well. Their self-catered party was winding down early. The Strand was dead. No cars. No dogs. No bicycles. No skateboarders. No crowds. At 9:00 pm, they shot off fireworks from the barge offshore. We didn't see them through the fog, but we could hear them. The demi-crowds are now leaving the beach. It was the quietest 4th of July I can remember. No stabbings. No fights. Only one failed attempt by a stranger to piss on our house. We're ending the evening playing cards.