It's a great big strange and confusing world, I tell my son. There's no one place better to start with than any other, but I'll start with the coolest photo website I've ever seen: NASA's space images website. Easily worth 15 minutes of wasted time.
This is a fun article: The Audacity of Vanity. It more or less answers the question "Just how Obama-damned huge is Barack Obama's ego?" The answer: let's just say it this way. If Obama's ego became a state, only California would have more delegates. My favorite line: "He lectures us that instead of worrying about immigrants learning English, 'you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish' -- a language Obama does not speak." Well, maybe he plans to have his kids study it in high school.
The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board fired its top executive, chief administrative law judge Jay Arcellana, earlier this week. Maybe he can now make a commercial like the Hair Club for Men guy. "I'm not just the president; I'm also a client!"
I'm still recovering from having to skip out on a pre-ESPY poker tournament at the Playboy Mansion in order to attend a Jonas Brothers concert last week. It helped a little to see the "Jo Bros" featured in Rolling Stone magazine, even if the writer covering the story was Gay.
The 33-year-old son of Pastor Greg Laurie (Harvest Crusade), himself a father of a young child, was the person killed in Thursday's fatal accident that shut down the 91 freeway for several hours. I have nothing funny to say about that. People are taking it pretty hard. It's just another one of those events that suggests that God is disinterested in our daily routines. The Lord protects those who protect themselves.
Barack Obama will be accepting the Democratic nomination in front of a crowd of 75,000 cheering fans in a sports arena. To paraphrase Ben Stein's observations regarding this, "you know who ELSE loved to deliver political speeches to 75,000 screaming fans in sports arenas?"
Suppose you have an RV to sell, and you decide to sell it on eBay. Suppose further that you don't get the price you wanted. What do you do? How about, put some cans of bug spray on the floor, spread dead bees everywhere, and claim that you can't sell it because insurance regulations forbid selling such a tainted RV. When that fails, deny having ever listed it.
Some investigators think Steve Fossett may have faked his own death. Why do thay think that? According to Lieutenant Colonel Cynthia Ryan of the US Civil Air Patrol, if his plane really had crashed, Fossett should have been found by now. "It's not like we didn't have our eyes open. We found six other planes while we were looking for him. We're pretty good at what we do." Yeah, yeah, yeah. You weren't so great at what you do when you went looking for those other six planes the first time around, though, were you?
It was a slow news day today, apparently. So let's talk about the 12-year-old boy Britney Spears's mom ran over and killed when she was 20.
Some say he was just trying to be a peacemaker, but leave it to former Piston bad boy Rick Mahorn to push a woman to the ground during a WNBA brawl. Some observers opined that the fight might, ironically, benefit the WNBA by attracting new viewers. I doubt it. I saw the highlights of the fight. I didn't stick around to see any other highlights of WNBA games this weekend.
A scientific study and published paper claims that anecdotal evidence can undermine scientific results, because thinking anecdotally comes naturally to humans, whereas thinking scientifically does not. I don't believe it. I've seen too many instances in which people believed scientific data in spite of contrary anecdotal examples.
P.S. Happy Birthday, B.