One cool thing about being the Speaker of the House is that you get to influence energy policies, even though you don't know the first freaking thing about energy. Take Nancy Pelosi, for instance. She wants us to stop heavy use of fossil fuels, and transition to natural gas. Which is kind of like saying she wants us to stop driving cars and switch to Fords. Uh, Ms. Speaker? Natural gas is a fossil fuel.
If you hate the fact that all politicians are millionaire, you'll like cryin' Joe Biden. He isn't even a half-millionaire.
Since the Democrats seem to love to get their presidential nominees from a previous convention's keynote speaker list, I can't help but wonder if Virginia Governor Mark Warner won't be the 2012 nominee. Except unlike Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, he's boring as hell to listen to.
I'm not one of those "God Hates Fags" types, but you have to at least raise one eyebrow when the Almight seems poised to send a powerful hurricane right into a party like Southern Decadance. On the other hand, the evangelicals who prayed for rain on Obama's speech were sadly disappointed ignored by God.
The GOP's convention looks like it will be a watered-down event, with Hurricane Gustav doing the watering down. Someone keep the microphone away from Mike Huckabee. Nobody wants to here him talk about how we shouldn't call hurricanes "acts of God."
It think it's great that John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. Anybody but Huckabee. But do we really need "MILF for VP" websites and t-shirts?
That's about all the politics I can stomach on a holiday.