For an aspiring politician, what could be more embarrassing than to have the public learn that you still live in your parents' basement, even though you are 28 years old and a member of the local school board? How about having your old man call 9-1-1 on you for having a messy bedroom? It happened. Now Andrew Mizsak, the father, doesn't want to press charges against Andrew Mizsak, the board member/son, because he doesn't want to ruin his son's political career. That train might have already left the station, however.
"Financial sector executives should not fear government imposed caps on their salaries even as the Obama administration moves to influence how firms pay their employees. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Monday that government should place "broad constraints" on the incentives that huge pay packages create for executives to take short-term risks. But he drew the line at government determining levels of pay." I think it's frightening that this is even being considered. That it is newsworthy that the government does not plan to cap people's incomes is shocking to me.
Vice President Joe Biden let slip the secret location of the VP's secret bunker. (It's in the basement of his house.) Later, his spokeshole issued a statement saying that no classified information was revealed: "What the Vice President described in his comments was not — as some press reports have suggested — an underground facility, but rather, an upstairs workspace in the residence, which he understood was frequently used by Vice President Cheney and his aides. That workspace was converted into an upstairs guest room when the Bidens moved into the residence. There was no disclosure of classified information." I'm not sure what a comment about a bunker downstairs has to do with an upstairs office, but we've seen these gaffes and Newspeak corrections before, and we'll see them again. And to think that people were worried about what Sarah Palin would be like as Vice-President.
The swine flu story isn't going away, is it? While I don't like I'd much rather have media types inform me and then let me decide whether or not to panic, or take precautions, or ignore it, or something else. As opposed to, for example, not mentioning that school districts are closing schools and such.
Okay, political puindits. What old sin will haunt the next Supreme Court nominee? It has to be tax evasion, right? I mean, how would the new nominee be able to have empathy for the people Obama cares about if he or she doesn't have a tax evasion problem in his or her past?