What has Barack Obama done to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize?
- Increase troop levels in Afghanistan?
- Remove peacekeeping forces in Iraq?
- Talk about nuclear disarmament without actually making progress toward it?
- Promise to close a POW camp without actually doing it?
- Apologize for the U.S. being a bad country from 2001 to 2009?
- Wish for better relations between Israel and Palestine?
- Let Iran build The Bomb?
- Let North Korea test long-range missiles without consequence?
- Invite a policeman and the black professor he arrested to the White House for a beer?
- Help South America get an Olympiad?
- Kill (almost) a boatload of pirates?
- Mention Darfur a few times?
- Give good speeches?
- Bomb the moon?
Not be George W. Bush?
Good grief, he hadn't even been president for two weeks when he got nominated. I know he talks a good talk about world peace, but so do most beauty pageant winners. That's not Nobel Prize caliber achievement. Giving Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize at this stage in his presidency is the peace equivalent of giving a scientist a Nobel Prize in Physics for declaring that he is going to invent a teleportation device.
My esteem for the Nobel Peace Prize is gone.
We should give him the Heisman, too.
Posted by: 13-9 | October 11, 2009 at 10:03