Time magazine has published its list of the world's 100 most influential people. It is bullshit.
It is absurdly weighted in favor of America, pop culture and liberalism.
Only 5 religiuous leaders made the list. Three are from the Central African Republic. The other two are the Pope and Barbara Brown Taylor. No Rick Warren. No Justin Welby. No Buddhists and just one Muslim. No sign of the current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. I would venture to say that the most influential people on the planet include a whole bunch of religious leaders. Time doesn't think so.
The list has 26 political leaders. That seems reasonable enough, but Kim Jong Un (North Korea) made the list, while Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Indonesia) did not. Hillary Clinton made the list. Bill Clinton did not. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand made the list. Senator Harry Reid did not. Nor did Pranab Mukherjee or Manmohan Singh (India's president and prime minister).
In the business category, Megyn Kelly made the list. Rush Limbaugh, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Angela Ahrendts, Warren Buffett, Larry Page, Tim Cook did not. At least Jeff Bezos showed up. Curiously, the Koch Brothers made the list, but Thomas Steyer and George Soros did not.
Jason Collins made the list, presumably because he's openly gay and still barely hanging onto his NBA career. Other, more influential opening gay people did not make the list, e.g., Ellen DeGeneres, Andrew Sullivan and Rachel Maddow.
Richard Sherman made the list. Tim Tebow, who is the closest think the NFL has to a cult leader, did not.
In science, Kathryn Sullivan made the list. Gordon Moore, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Tim Berners-Lee did not.
In pop culture, Cristiano Ronaldo, Beyoncé, Amy Adams, Robin Wright, Matthew McConoughey and Miley Cyrus made the list. Bono did not.
I HE Hyon Hak Bong, Ambassador for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in London, do herewith and forthwith protest the imperialist plot to lampoon Dear Leader Comrade Marshal Kim Jong Un as a speaker of "bullshit". Your unworthy and tiny organ will undoubted find its ignominiable place in history as the target of justifed powerful abuse from the proletariat of the DPRK. Your apology to @dprk_embassy_ln
Posted by: DPRK_Embassy_Ln | May 10, 2014 at 13:34