I've been to seven of the eight, having missed only the 2003 game in South Bend. I can't find any clips from the 2004 game on YouTube. If you know of one, let me know.
2002: USC 44 Notre Dame 13
2003: USC 45 Notre Dame 14
2004: USC 41 Notre Dame 10 [no video available]
2005: USC 34, Notre Dame 31.
If you have just a minute or two and want to watch just the final drive of that game, here you go:
The Irish Trojan's view from the stands of the 2005 game.
2006: USC 44 Notre Dame 24 (sorry, but this was the best I could find)
2007: USC 38 Notre Dame 0
2008: USC 38 Notre Dame 3
2009: USC 34 Notre Dame 27
Finally, although it's no longer as relevant or fair, here's a funny fake Real Men of Genius commercial. We salute you, Mr. Delusional Irrational Notre Dame Football Fan.
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